Letters with Dates

Concept Explanation

Letters with Dates

In History it is important to learn how to tell the dates of significant events

Historians count the year forwards or backwards from the year in which Jesus Christ is believed to have been born.The period before the birth of Christ is known as BC(Before Christ) . The period after that is known as AD (Anno Domini),i.e,'in the year of our Lord' in Latin).

The Period before the birth of Christ, you count the years backward. So ,2 BC Comes after 4 BC. However, in the period after the birth of Christ, you count forward ,so AD 2 Comes before AD 4.

Nowadays , most historians prefer to use the terms BCE and CE in place of BC AND AD. BCE stands for 'before the common era ' ,and CE stands 'common era'. The term circa (or ca in short) is used when the

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) The period after the birth of Christ is known as BD .     

(b) The most historians prefer to use the terms BCE and CE in place of BC and AD .                                                                                                                                                                       

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

When India became independent in the 20th century, through the year of independence was _________________ .

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Jesus Christ was founder of __________________.


Right Option : B
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